Centre for National Opinion Studies or CNOS is India’s largest upcoming opinion survey institution providing the most accurate data and insight into Indian public opinion. CNOS is a group of India’s most brilliant and curious minds focused on empowering its clientele with novel and impactful insights on everything that matters. For over nine years, the team at CNOS has been working in the field of opinion surveys, and we strive for a 95 percent confidence level in all of our analysis. This team started its journey with a 40% prediction accuracy in the Uttar Pradesh elections and 98% in Punjab. After learning from their experience and fixing identified shortcomings, the team scored the distinction of having predicted the outcomes of the Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan Assembly elections (2018) more accurately than any other survey, with an accuracy of 98% in Madhya Pradesh, and 97% in Rajasthan. The team also accurately predicted the outcomes of the Lok Sabha elections and those of the Assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh. Also, our predictions for 283 seats out of 303 seats proved to be right during the 2019 General Elections.

In order to ensure a pertinent sample size, CNOS uses multiple mediums (primarily digital and CATI surveys) to gather data on evolving political inclinations and issues.

The name Opiniome is derived from the term, genome. Genome is the complete set of genetic information in an organism. Similarly, Opiniome is a collection of opinions of a surveyed sample.